Shepherd House School of Theology
The Shepherd House School of Theology is characterized by commitment to the core doctrines of the faith and providing significant experiences to develop practical ministry skills.
The theology course introduces the student to Christian theology. We believe the Holy Scripture (Bible) to be true and the absolute word of God. It begins with a study of the nature and necessity of doing theology in the contemporary world with primary attention given to the authority of God’s self-disclosure in Scripture. The subject matter then shifts to consideration of the nature of the Triune God who has disclosed Himself to us, especially focusing on God’s action in creation and wisdom.
Christian Counseling is designed to teach techniques and counseling methodologies that are Bible based and spiritually rooted by design. We take a Christ centered approach and emphasize compassion, accountability, and spiritual guidance to uncover the root issue of all counselees. Build strong relationships and help people to apply the word of God in ways that are meaningful and relevant while building a relationship with God.
Our Mission Is to Empower
Satisfaction Rated by Students
As a result of these courses the student should be able better to:
- Articulate and defend the essential theological doctrines of the historic Christian faith as covered in this course.
Appreciate the importance of historical theology in the development of the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, God, creation, providence, and angels.
Compare and contrast the Christian worldview with other views especially in relation to the doctrines of revelation, Scripture, God, creation, providence, and angels.
Grasp with greater depth the interrelationships between various doctrines with the twin goal of beginning to formulate a Christian worldview, as well as bringing our life, language, and thought more in conformity to God’s Word.
Integrate theological doctrines with contemporary issues thus learning how to do theology by applying the Word to the contemporary world.
Be able to speak and counsel with greater biblical-theological clarity as one who is deeply concerned to proclaim the whole counsel of God in all of its beauty, breadth, and depth.
Our Core Values
We practice what we preach
Our moral compass and principles line up with God. This is present in our everyday lives, in our school and our church.
We are accountable to God, we are accountable to you, we are accountable to ourselves.
A degree in the field of Theology will help you build a strong foundation in biblical and theological studies. You’ll develop the skill set needed to become well trained, well-grounded, and well equipped for your unique calling.
We are committed to teaching you the word of God and helping you to get a better understanding of the word and how to minister the word of God to others.
With the Holy Spirit and Love, we let our light shine as we spend time breaking down the word of God and what it means in your life. There is no greater joy.