Item List
Apocrypha Introduction 101
An Introduction of the Apocryphal books that were written between about 350 B.C. and 80 A.D. Apocrypha typically refers to a group of 15 books that are included in the Roman Catholic Old Testament but are missing from Protestant Bibles. — in those years between the Old and New Testaments. Its original root is the Greek word "krypto", meaning 'secret' or 'hidden'.
Church of Laodicea
This course introduces Spiritual assessment Laodicea was one of Revelation's seven churches who received a spiritual evaluation directly from Jesus Christ. God drew an analogy from everyday life in the city in order to make his point that the church had become spiritually lukewarm.
Communicating for Transformation
An analysis of the skills, resources, methods, and spiritual dynamics of communication. The course will equip leaders with an understanding of various ways to communicate more effectively and persuasively, in order to facilitate life transformation.
Community Development: The Art of Facilitation and Workshop Design
At the core of every community developer is a commitment to transformational teaching which unleashes within people the competencies to change their local community. Individual and group learning is possible when community members are treated with respect, feel safe to explore new ideas and can readily apply new learning to their present context. Based on both the theory and practice of adult learning and the biblical principle of discipleship, participants will develop their personal capacity to facilitate both trainings ; meetings and design workshops to move the community a step closer to peace and well-being.
Contemporary Theology Perspectives
This course is designed to equip the student to respond biblically to a range of theological issues facing the 21st-century church. Issues include (but are not limited to): soteriology, biblical interpretation & authority, and the emergent/missional church, as well as differing theological perspectives that are influential in culture today.
Studies in Dispensational Theology Presents the student with an intensive summary of the historic theological position of Grace Christian University, including critical examination and evaluation of the biblical, theological, and practical interests of dispensational theology.
Corporate Move of God
One of the most striking things about corporate worship in the new covenant is the persistent focus on building up the whole body. Paul writes, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another with all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col. 3:16). We teach and admonish one another as we sing to the Lord. As we praise God, we build each other up. Paul goes so far as to say that everything in the gathered assembly should be done with a view to building up the body in Christ (1 Cor. 14:26).
The Hebrew Bible refers to a number of covenants with God (YHWH). The Noahic Covenant (in Genesis), which is between God and all living creatures, as well as a number of more specific covenants with individuals or groups. Biblical covenants include those with Abraham, the whole Israelite people, the Israelite priesthood, and the Davidic lineage of kings. In form and terminology, these covenants echo the kinds of treaty agreements in the surrounding ancient world.
Types of Love
Doctrine of God the Father
God the Father is a title given to God in various religions, most prominently in Christianity. In mainstream trinitarian Christianity, God the Father is regarded as the first person of the Trinity, followed by the second person, God the Son, and the third person, God the Holy Spirit. Since the second century, Christian creeds included affirmation of belief in "God the Father", primarily as his capacity as "Father and creator of the universe".
Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is "the Spirit of adoption" which God puts into our hearts, by which we know that we are His children. The Spirit bears witness to this great truth (Gal.4:6; Rom.8:14, 16). This class will examine Why the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is important? What are the theological emphases of the “first wave” of Pentecostals and Charismatics? How does the Azusa Street Revival and the Assemblies of God relate to this “first wave”? What is different about the “second wave” than the first?
Early Christianity (to AD 600)
This course offers an opportunity to explore the history of the Christian Church from its origins in Judaism through to its monastic expansion beyond the boundaries of the Western Roman Empire in the sixth and seventh centuries. It will examine the conflicts, individuals, social movements, and theologies that shaped Christianity during this formative time.
Paul divided his letter to the Ephesians into two clear segments; applying the truths of the first makes possible the actions and lifestyle of the second. Paul spent the first three chapters of the letter discussing God’s creation of a holy community by His gift of grace in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The members of this community have been chosen by God through the work of Christ, adopted as sons and daughters of God, and brought near to the Father through faith in His Son. All people with this faith—Jews and Gentiles alike—were dead in their transgressions and sins but have been made alive because of the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Facilitating Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the Church and in the World
Forgiveness and reconciliation are central to the gospel message and virtues that mark Christian maturity. Recognizing them as virtues does not automatically translate into an ability to recover from relationship hurts, and people may then turn to a clergyperson or lay leader in the church for help in getting from a place of hurt and anger to one of acceptance and closure. This course is designed to assist students in their efforts to acquire the knowledge, wisdom, and skills they need, first to embody the virtues themselves and then to facilitate others.